Study Abroad
From the moment you dropped your students off at Rutgers before their first day, you trusted us to provide them with an exceptionally high level of education. With more than 100 majors and 300 research centers, your student will graduate with an enviable degree from a Big Ten school and a collection of rich experiences that have prepared them to enter the workforce or graduate school.
Why Study Abroad?
These days, study abroad is not a luxury for the few. It is an essential part of a good education and, an important part of being competitive for career and graduate school opportunities. When it comes to employability in the interconnected world of the 21st century, students who land rewarding jobs in their desired fields often report that global experiences helped them edge out their competition. Many of our study abroad students find themselves—for the first time—completely responsible for their schedules, transportation, and finances while contending with different cultures and languages. These students return to campus with a renewed sense of diligence and responsibility that they then apply to their Rutgers coursework.
Supporting Your Student
Rutgers Global offers more than 160 study abroad programs in 50 countries. These programs can last either for a few weeks or up to a full year. We offer many scholarships for these programs, and any student who meets GPA and course requirements is welcome to take part in these transformative growth experiences.
Rest assured that the safety and well-being of Rutgers students abroad is our number one priority. Once admitted to a study abroad program, we provide you and your students with in-depth information on:
The program location
Instructions for how to prepare for a program and its locale
Emergency procedures
Tips and suggestions for how to remain safe and healthy throughout the study abroad experience

In episode 2 of our spin-off podcast, Rutgers Around the World, Rutgers student Vanessa Herrera talks about her experiences as a study abroad student to Mexico and how it has directly carved a path for her career development.

Rutgers Global–Study Abroad seeks to ensure that every Rutgers student has access to opportunities for global learning which are academically rigorous, degree-relevant, culturally transformative, and empower students for impact in local and global communities. That's why we are excited to announce our new Access the World Initiative!