Rutgers Global Grants

Rutgers Global Grants are intended to support international engagement for faculty to help initiate international engagement and collaborative research, international partnerships and new educational initiatives.

This year, Rutgers Global is pleased to offer both travel grants and modest seed grants for full-time Rutgers faculty from all campuses, including tenured, tenure-track, and clinical faculty.

Award Categories can be found below along with the Submission Process and Terms and Conditions.

Application Deadlines:

The Global Grants online portal is now open. See below for appropriate links to application forms. All applicants will apply online and will be prompted for their Rutgers NetID to complete the application forms.

The deadline for Rutgers Global Seed Grants will be December 6, 2024.

Rutgers Global Travel Grants will be accepted on a rolling basis during two application periods per year: October 9, 2024 – January 31, 2025, and February 1, 2025 - May 31, 2025.


  • A Global Grants Information Session via Zoom will be held on November 7, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm. Please register here.
  • Faculty-led Study Abroad Seed Grants Information Session via Zoom will be held on November 12, 2024 from 12:30-1:00pm. Please register here.

Award Descriptions & Submission Process

Award Descriptions

Rutgers Global Faculty Travel Grants +

A limited amount of funds are available for tenured, tenure-track and NTT faculty for future travel to international locations for short term events. Funds can be used to support travel to conferences, invitations to speak, site visits, etc. Applications can be submitted anytime until May 31, 2025. Funds will be allocated until they run out. See eligibility and restrictions below.


·         Grants will be awarded for up to $1000 in travel support. Larger amounts will be considered under special circumstances only.

·         Cost share of more than $20% is highly encouraged.

·         Faculty who receive a Travel Grant will be required to bring Rutgers materials for distribution, or to present a slide about Rutgers during a presentation.

·         Grants will not be awarded retroactively.


·         Funds are available only for faculty and NTTs (no postdoc or student travel is supported)

·         Faculty who have received a Global Grant in the past two years are not eligible.

·         Faculty who have an active Global Grant are not eligible.

·         Faculty who are applying for a Global Seed Grant for this cycle are not eligible, i.e. you may not apply for a Seed Grant and a Travel Grant in the same year.

·         If you do receive a travel grant, you may not apply for another for the next three years.

Apply for a Rutgers Global Faculty Travel Grant Here

Rutgers Global Seed Grants: General Information +

We are accepting applications for Rutgers Global Seed Grants in the following categories:

  • International Collaborative Research
  • Global Health
  • Faculty-Led Study Abroad

Please refer to the additional information about these categories on this webpage.

Proposals must use funds as seed money to develop a new project or idea with the goals of obtaining external funding and having a long-term impact. Proposals that include some form of matching and/or in-kind contribution are welcome, but matching is not required. Proposals that include collaboration with external partners is encouraged. For a full list of Rutgers’ institutional partners, visit our database. All applicants are encouraged to consider accessibility and inclusion during proposal development.

Please note that you cannot apply for a Global Grant and a Research Council Grant on the same topic. In addition, there is a limit of one grant application per cycle. You may not apply for more than one grant category.


All tenured, tenuretrack, clinical, or NTT faculty with Rutgers appointmentsand who do not have current Rutgers Global Seed Grantsare eligible to apply. (NTT faculty, including NTT clinical faculty, will need to provide a letter from their Dean, Chair, or Director stating support for the proposal. It is expected that the applicant holds a position which will be renewed for the duration of the grant period.) Priority will be given for applicants who have not received a Global Grant award in the past three years. Also note that if you have received a Rutgers Global Travel Grant in the past year or intend to request travel funds this year, unrelated to a Global Grant, you will not be eligible for Global Grant consideration.


Questions may be directed to Afia Asamoah, Program Coordinator, Rutgers Global, at

Apply for a Rutgers Global Seed Grant Here

Seed Grant Category: International Collaborative Research +

The International Collaborative Research grants support international research, projects, and programs initiated by faculty with scholars around the world. The aim is to promote collaborative and inter-institutional research and scholarship with existing or new international partners. Successful proposals will outline a collaborative research project that makes a significant contribution to advancing a particular field of study. Proposals should focus on topics that have international and/or global implications, understanding of which is advanced by the proposed collaboration with partners. Proposals must be a collaboration between Rutgers faculty and faculty/programs from a foreign institution. Funds will be available for a one- or two-year time period, as requested by the applicant(s) in the proposal. Proposals will be considered for projects with collaborations in all countries, however, special priority will be given for those projects that include collaborators from South Korea, India and Ghana.

This grant does not support short-term lecturing or attendance at international conferences or symposia. 

Maximum request per award: $10,000

Duration: up to 2 years

Seed Grant Category: Global Health +

In collaboration with Rutgers Global Health Institute, the Global Health Seed Grants are awarded to faculty conducting collaborative, interdisciplinary activities that address health challenges around the world and in communities in New Jersey. With these grants, the Institute aims to help faculty pursue new ideas and seed expanded research and funding. Awards will be given in either of the following two categories:

  • Education, Training, and Capacity Building

  • Research

Priority will be given to those projects that focus on partnerships that directly impact health iniquities. Awarded projects can take place over a one- or two-year time period. Global Health Seed Grant funding may not be used for ongoing costs such as salaries and overhead.

Maximum request per award: $10,000

Award duration: up to 2 years

Questions related to this grant should be directed to and include “Global Health Seed Grant” in the subject line.

Seed Grant Category: Faculty-Led Study Abroad +

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Grants are designed to support the creation of new short-term programs that offer meaningful cultural immersion through travel while providing academic credit for at least 12 students. These programs emphasize experiential learning and global engagement. Faculty-Led Study Abroad seed grants will be offered in two categories:

  • Site exploration - These awards are designed to assist faculty in determining whether a particular location is suitable for a Faculty-Led Study Abroad program. Seed funding can be used for a scouting trip to the intended destination to evaluate potential program sites, meet with local partners, and assess key logistical elements such as accommodations, ground transportation, guest lecturers, and cultural opportunities. This will ensure that the site meets academic, safety, and logistical standards for a successful program. All awardees must meet with Rutgers Global—Study Abroad prior to travel.

Maximum requestper award: $3500
Award duration: 1 year

  • Program implementation - These awards are designed to support faculty in establishing and launching a Faculty-Led Study Abroad program who already has significant local experience in a location. This includes faculty who have already received a Site Exploration Grant. Examples of appropriate use of funds include supporting the initial implementation of the program including offsetting faculty expenses and/or recruitment for the program on campus.

Maximum request per award: $6500
Award duration: 2 years

*All applicants should plan to attend an informational webinar on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 12:30pm. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the live session. The webinar will be recorded. You may also submit questions here before the webinar. Note that cost share funds are strongly encouraged from departmental or other funding sources. 

All proposals should describe global learning opportunities which are academically rigorous, demonstrate a clear commitment to curricular alignment and relevance to students’ graduation plans.  Programs should model best practices for inclusion of diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives and for engaged scholarship.   

Priority will be given to those proposals that address increased access and/or international service learning. Proposals should plan for program implementation in either Winter 2026, Spring Embedded 2026 or Summer 2026. All programs that are developed must work in partnership with the Study Abroad Office within Rutgers Global.

Questions about Faculty-Led Study Abroad Grants should be directed to Lauren Meregalli Ferrer, Director, Study Abroad,  

Submission Process & Conditions for Seed Grants

Submission Process +

Grant proposals should be submitted via the online application portal links above.  

Completed applications for all grant proposals must be submitted on or before the deadline. Proposals may be individual—submitted by a faculty member—or institutional—submitted by programs, institutes, centers, departments, or schools. However, each proposal may only have a single Principal Investigator.  

An example list of the questions in the online proposal submission portal can be found in the templates listed below. The online application process will have a place for you to upload the following required documents: 

  • A completed and fully signed coversheet. NTT faculty will need to provide a letter from their Dean, Chair, or Director stating support for the proposal, and that it is expected that the applicant is in a position which will be renewed for the duration of the grant period. Please attach this letter to your coversheet. 

  • A project description (3 pages maximum) that includes the following sections:  

  1. Statement of Need or Research Question: This will depend on your grant category. See the details in the grant category description for any additional details. 
  2. Project Objectives 
  3. Project Design: To include design/methodology, timeline, list of activities, success measures and plan for evaluation.  
  4. Innovation: Acknowledge what is distinct or unique about your project and its potential findings or impact.   
  5. Potential for Beneficial Partnership 
  6. Sustainability Plans: Include capacity for future funding.  
  • Detailed budget. Use either the budget template (see link below) provided by the Office of Research or the budget template preferred by your unit when submitting your proposed budget. Budget guidelines can be found below. 

  • A detailed budget narrative. Use the template below. 

  • A signed letter of support from the project director(s) at partnering institution(s) outlining the importance of the collaboration and intended impact on the partnering institution. If you are not collaborating with someone at another institution, this is not required. 

  • A 2-page CV from the Principal Investigator at Rutgers and the project director from each partner institution. 

Documents and templates needed for submission:

Please be aware that the awarded amount may be less than requested. Applications requesting more than the maximum allowable amount, excluding cost share, will not be reviewed. A faculty member may submit only one application for a global grant.  

Evaluation +

Please check the Grant Category Description for specific proposal evaluation requirements. 

In general, for International Collaborative Research Grants and Global Health Seed Grants, priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Have high research value;  
  • Strengthen an institutional partnership between Rutgers and a current partner institution or offer the potential to develop a productive and sustainable relationship with a new institution;  
  • Are interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary in nature;  
  • Will use the funds as seed money to develop a project or initiative with potential to have a long-term impact on one or more university units and/or to lead to external funding. 

For Faculty-Led Study Abroad grants, priority will be given to grants that:

  • Provide a significant cultural immersion through a travel experience.  
  • Offer one or more units of academic credit. Proposals should demonstrate a clear commitment to curricular alignment and relevance to students’ graduation plans.  
  • Model best practices for inclusion of diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives, and for engaged scholarship.   
  • Create capacity for at least 12 students.  

Terms and Conditions +

All proposals, with the exception of Faculty-Led Study Abroad proposals, must be submitted through RAPSS. This can be done before or after award notification. Funds will be released in two stages: 

* 75 percent at the start of the grant cycle  
* 25 percent after the midpoint report is received 

Faculty-Led Study Abroad funds will be released upon awarding of the grant. 

A final report will be due within 30 days after the end of the grant cycle. 

The applicant agrees to comply with the Institutional Review Board (IRB), IACUC, and conflict of interest (COI) requirements as a condition of receiving awards. If the research project involves human or animal subjects, the recipient must provide proof that they have complied with IRB/IACUC requirements. The recipient must also have entered the appropriate information into the COI website. Funds must be spent in accordance with the proposed budget and follow all University policies on the use of funds. Requests to modify one’s budget or plan should be emailed to along with a justification. 

Note that all travel must be booked using the Rutgers online booking tool found here