Rutgers Student Interns

Rutgers units can offer to host current students, who are studying abroad, as student interns on a J-1 visa status.  The J-1 Student Intern Category is not to be confused with J-1 Students who are enrolled in a degree program at Rutgers. The J-1 Student Intern refers only to a student currently in a degree program abroad who visits Rutgers to engage in a project/research-based internship that is integral to the curriculum of the home institution's degree program to which the intern will return.

Tips on finding a Student Internship at Rutgers

  • Reach out to the Rutgers Unit in your chosen career field with your CV/Resume and explain your desire to pursue an internship opportunity.

  • Contact specific Rutgers Professors or Faculty with whom you may have common research interests with and would like to work with.

  • Attend conferences and other events where you may be able to meet and associate with Rutgers faculty.

  • Search our current Rutgers Partnerships Database to see which Rutgers School/Unit is currently hosting international students/scholars.

Please be sure the potential intern and the sponsor unit/department are able to meet the requirements below before requesting to sponsoring a J-1 student intern.

Prospective Student Intern Requirements

  • Must be a currently enrolled full-time student in the chosen career field at a degree or certificate-granting post-secondary academic institution outside the U.S.

  • Must have a sufficient grasp of the English language to function on a day to day basis. 

  • Must return to your academic program abroad to fulfill and obtain the degree after completion of the internship program. This program is not available to students who have graduated, or will be graduating before their internship ends.

  • Must submit a letter from your home institution to confirm the internship will fulfill the educational objectives of your current degree program AND that you will complete your degree AFTER your internship period, upon returning to home institution. Also, your letter must approve you to accept any financial support from Rutgers, if applicable.

  • Must have sufficient funds to support your duration of stay support from home institution or personal/family funds. Submission of the Certificate of Funds with proof of liquid funds of at least $424/week for undergraduate and graduate student interns).

  • Must have a passport valid for six months beyond the end of the internship period.

  • Student must depart the U.S. within 30 days of the completion of the program.

  • Must have/will purchase health insurance that meets the requirements set by Rutgers University when before arriving in the US. 

Internship Requirements

  • Time Frame: Must be full‐time, at least 32 hours per week, as little as three weeks and at most, up to 12 months for each foreign degree or major.

  • Conditions: Internships can be paid or unpaid, and this work-based learning position must not displace U.S. workers. Most Rutgers Student Internships are unpaid but provide an excellent opportunity to learn and gain useful skills. The Rutgers Sponsor Unit will create a structured work‐based program using a Trainee/Intern Placement Plan (DS-7002). No more than 40% of the work can be remote, so two out of the five days can be remote and the rest of the time must be in-person.

  • Training: May not include an unskilled or casual labor position, and any position that requires or involves child care/elder care, aviation, or in clinical positions which involves patient care or contact (requiring medication, or other clinical or medical care).  The position can require no more than 20% clerical work and SEE HERE for guidance on any program activities involving physical contact between exchange visitors and human participants and/or animal subjects. Rutgers Sponsoring Units must ensure the internship placement that is developed must these criteria.

  • Location: All work must take place on-site, on Rutgers University property. No work may be performed at a third party location. 

Student Intern Requirements BEFORE arrival 

  • Passport: Prospective Student Interns must have a valid passport valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements)

  • Documents: Must have received the Certificate of Eligibility (DS-2019) and DS-7002 (Trainee/Intern Placement Plan) and a J-1 visa in passport (when applicable).

  • Communication: Keep in close contact with the Rutgers Unit to be sure they are aware of your anticipated arrival date.

  • Fees/Health Insurance: Must confirm student has health insurance which is equivalent to or greater than the coverage required by the University. Rutgers offers an insurance policy to meet this requirement for those J-1 visitors who do not have alternate insurance. Coordinate any related J-1 Student Intern Fees between the student and department.

  • Rutgers ID and access: Work with your Rutgers Unit to be issued a Guest ID and a NetID. Please see here for more details. 

Student Intern Requirements AFTER Student’s Arrival 

  • Mandatory Check-in: Students must check-in to Rutgers Global within 30 days of the start date of their internship. Students must use their NetID here and look for the “Student Intern Check-in Form” under “J-1 Scholar Services”. After checking in, the J-1 Advisor will reach out to meet for an orientation. If student fails to check in, the student will not be eligible to engage in the program or to legally remain in the US. If the student’s arrival is delayed and they are not able to check in within 30 days of the start date, the Rutgers Global–International Student and Scholar Services must be notified.

  • Extensions of Program: Extensions are not possible beyond the 12 month maximum set by the Department of State. If an extension request (within the 12-month limit) is made on behalf of the Rutgers Unit, a completed evaluation must be submitted with the request for program extension along with a new DS-7002 form.

  • Evaluations: The Rutgers sponsoring unit/department is required to submit evaluations for each student intern. These evaluations must be completed prior to the conclusion of the internship program. Internships exceeding six months require midpoint and concluding evaluations. Internships of six months or less require concluding evaluations only.

  • Notice of Departure: Student Interns must notify the Rutgers unit of their departure. J-1 visa holders have a maximum of 30 days from the end of your DS-2019 to prepare to leave the U.S. During this 30-day grace period, J-1 visa holders are legally eligible to remain in the U.S., but they are NOT legally authorized to work, study or otherwise engage in their academic or research program during this period. You cannot travel internationally during this time and if you depart the U.S. more than 15 days earlier from the end of your program, your DS-2019 will be adjusted.


It is very helpful to submit applications as early as possible and Rutgers Sponsoring units are encouraged to submit requests at least 3 months before the start of the internship. This allows time for the student intern to obtain or renew a passport, if needed, and apply for a J-1 visa at a U.S. consulate.

Once the application is complete, the DS-2019 will be issued to the department within 14 business days of receiving a complete application.

Internship Process

Secure a Rutgers Sponsoring Unit +

Find a Rutgers sponsor unit/department who is willing to host you as a J-1 student intern.

Submit application +

The Rutgers Sponsoring unit initiate the application process via email and you will then submit the requested materials.

Review of internship details and Rutgers fees +

Sponsoring unit will provide internship details, details regarding any required fees, and a completed DS-7002.

DS-7002 Signatures and Approval +

Rutgers Global-ISSS office will review and approve the DS-7002. Signatures will be collected by all parties. Final approvals will be submitted.

Complete application +

Rutgers Global-ISSS staff issues DS-2019 and DS-7002 and notifies Sponsoring unit and the Sponsoring unit mails out the documents to the student’s preferred address.

U.S. Government fees and Visa appointment +

Rutgers Global-ISSS staff emails student details and instructions on how to schedule the J-1 visa. Students will be required to pay the necessary DHS SEVIS fee and/or DS-160 visa application fee.

Apply for J-1 student visa +

Use the DS-2019 issued by Rutgers to apply for a student visa at United States consulate in your country of citizenship or country of permanent residence.

Applicants should apply for an in-person interview at the U.S. consulate in the their home country in English.

Arrival and Check In +

Students must check in to Rutgers Global within 30 days of the start date of their internship. Students must log in here (using their NetID) and look for the “Student Intern Check-in Form” under “J-1 Scholar Services”.The student will also meet with the Rutgers Global-ISSS staff for an orientation.