Full Course of Study Requirement

International students are required to take a minimum amount of credits or participate in a minimum amount of classroom instruction or lab hours to maintain their F-1 or J-1 status. The following are general guidelines for both degree-seeking and non-degree seeking students.

A full course of study for programs offering credit is defined as:

  • Undergraduate students at Rutgers- New Brunswick: 12 credits minimum, at least 9 of your credits must be for in-person or blended (hybrid) courses.
  • Graduate students at Rutgers- New Brunswick: 9 credits minimum , At least 6 of your credits must be for in-person or blended (hybrid) courses.
  • For RBHS programs in Piscataway and Newark please see this chart for full course of study requirement.

This means that undergraduate students may count no more than 3 credits of online coursework toward the 12-credit full-time coursework requirement, and graduate students may count no more than 3 credits of online coursework toward the 9-credit full-time coursework requirement. Hybrid courses may count as in-person classes.

A full course of study for NON-DEGREE that do not offer credit is defined as:

  • 18 clock hours per week if mostly classroom work
  • 22 clock hours per week if mostly laboratory work

A full course of study for non-degree programs offering a combination of credit and non-credit study (such as a program with a combination of for-credit academic coursework and non-credit language education) is calculated as a percentage, adding up to 100 percent: 

-- For undergraduates, each credit is worth 8.333 percent; each hour of classroom instruction if 5.555 percent; and each hour of laboratory work is 4.545 percent. Using these figures, you will see that a combined program of nine clock hours of instruction and six credits of academic coursework will equal 100 percent.

-- For graduates, each credit is worth 11.1 percent of the 100 percent total; each hour of classroom instruction if 5.555 percent; and each hour of laboratory work is 4.545 percent. Using these figures, you will see that a combined program of six clock hours of instruction and six credits of academic coursework will equal 100 percent. 

There are certain circumstances when a student can maintain legal status even if you are not registered for a full course of study as defined above. To be approved for a reduced credit load, review and follow the reduced credit load procedure

Online Course Guidelines

Online course enrollment is restricted for F-1 and J-1 students. Please read below for full details:


Fall and Spring Semester Enrollment

F-1 and J-1 students - Only one online (3-credit maximum) course will count toward your enrollment requirement during fall and spring semesters. E.g. you need to register in at least 9 credits of traditional, on-campus courses for undergraduate students (out of 12 credits minimum), or 6 credits of traditional, on-campus courses for Rutgers–New Brunswick graduate students (out of 9 credits minimum).

Summer Enrollment

Continuing F-1 and J-1 students can enroll in online courses during summer IF:

  • The student has been enrolled in at least the preceding spring semester full-time at Rutgers University AND
  • The student will be enrolled in courses during the next fall semester full-time at Rutgers University

Summer term is a vacation period, and therefore it is optional for most continuing students. For new student limits, please see below.

Final term of Study (Fall, Spring, and Summer)

If an F-1 or J-1 student needs only one course to complete the program of study and the student intends to remain in the US, that course must be in a traditional on-campus format. This will allow the student to maintain their visa status and be eligible to apply for post-degree work opportunities if they choose to do so.

If an F-1 or J-1 student chooses to take online courses during their final semester, that student must contact Rutgers Global - ISSS, complete the leave of absence procedure specific to their school/department, and depart the US. In this case, a student will no longer be eligible for work authorizations such as Optional Practical Training (F-1) or Academic Training (J-1).

Impact on Post-degree Work Authorization (OPT and AT)

If an F-1 or J-1 student wants to be eligible to participate in post-degree completion work opportunities such as Optional Practical Training (F-1) or Academic Training (J-1), the student’s final degree requirements must be taken in an traditional on-campus course.

Summer and Winter Registration Guidelines

Continuing students are not required to enroll during summer, and there is no full course of study minimum for the summer session.

New and readmitted degree-seeking students starting their program during the summer MUST enroll full-time (as determined by their academic program/school) and based on their session(s) of enrollment in the summer, and must take the necessary amount of in-person courses. 

Rutgers has three summer sessions, and the full course of study requirement is calculated based on the student's program start date. The final determination of how many credits meets the full time requirement based on the student's start date is made by the academic program/school in consultation with ISSS.

Example 1: Full-time enrollment for the full summer session is 6 credits for undergraduate students and 4.5 credits for graduate students, unless otherwise determined by their program/school.

Example 2: Full-time enrollment for undergraduate students starting in the second summer session (July) may be 3 credits. This could also change based on specific program requirements. 

Example 3: Non-coursework degree requirements such as projects or research may also be considered in determining the full course of study requirement.

All non-degree summer students are required to pursue a full course of study. Students are required to register for a minimum of one credit per week or follow the full time requirements outlined above. 

Visiting summer students with a non-Rutgers I-20 or DS-2019 (excluding transfer students) may choose to enroll full-time or part-time during the summer semester, provided they gain permission from the school sponsoring their visa.

Concurrent Enrollment for F-1 Students

F-1 students are eligible for simultaneous (concurrent) enrollment with a combination of courses at Rutgers University (RU) and another college or university, only if approved by Rutgers Global - ISSS. Source: 8CFR:214.2[f][6][iv]

  • Students must be registered for at least one credit at RU during all terms including the final term
  • Students who wish to be admitted, enroll, and go to classes full time at an institution other than RU need to request a transfer to the new institution.

Eligibility Requirements
An F-1 student at RU may apply to enroll concurrently at RU and another SEVIS-approved school provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  • The combined credits for which the student is enrolled are the equivalent of a full course of study (i.e., undergraduates = 12 credits, graduates = 9 credits).
  • The student must be enrolled (i.e. taking classes) at RU. RU must issue and maintain the SEVIS I-20, handle all SEVIS reporting requirements, and ensure that the student is pursuing a full course of study.
  • The student has permission from an international student advisor to concurrently enroll with RU and another institution.

Course work at the other school may not be vocational and must be accepted as credits transferable to RU as degree credits. This must be confirmed via e-form from your academic official:

  • Undergraduate students: Your academic official is your academic dean/advisor.
  • Graduate students: Your academic official is your graduate program director.
  • RBHS students: Your academic official is your Registrar.

The Rutgers Global - ISSS will issue a new I-20 documenting the concurrent enrollment, based on evidence that the student's enrollment in both institutions is the equivalent of a full course of study (i.e., undergraduates = 12 credits, graduates = 9 credits).
The name of the other concurrent school where you are enrolled must be clearly recorded in the remarks section (page 1, item 9) of your I-20.

How to Apply for Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment is approved one term at a time. This procedure must be followed for each term of concurrent enrollment.

  1. Submit the Concurrent Enrollment e-form on the RGlobal portal
  2. E-form confirmation from your RU academic official, indicating that you have permission for this enrollment and that the credits earned at the other school will be counted toward your degree at RU. The confirmation must also indicate the number of credits to be taken at each school.
  3. Proof of registration in classes from the concurrent school, indicating that you are enrolled.
  4. Screenshot of your RU unofficial transcript. You may download your unofficial transcript on the myRutgers portal. 
  5. Rutgers Global - ISSS  will review your documents and provide an email update regarding the decision. If approved, you will be issued a new I-20 with concurrent enrollment information included on page 1 in the remarks section.