Study Abroad Policies

All program participants will be held to a unified list of expectations for participation in a Rutgers Global study abroad program. After you have been accepted to a study abroad program and paid the required deposit, you are considered an enrolled participant in that program and will therefore be held to the terms and conditions of all policies that are a part of the study abroad application and post-decision process. 

Participation Agreement for In-Person Programs

Participation Agreement +

The following agreement holds all program participants to a unified list of expectations for student participation in a Rutgers Global study abroad program. Once enrolled, all students, regardless of their home institution, are considered Rutgers students.

Participation Agreement for In-Person Programs

Withdrawal Policy +

Participation and Financial Commitment 

Once accepted into your chosen study abroad program, you will need to commit to that program by paying a non-refundable deposit. 

In doing so, you are again agreeing to the policies outlined in the Participation Agreement, and you are agreeing to the financial obligations outlined there as well. (Note: You will be directed to read the RGSA Participation Agreement multiple times throughout the application cycle. It is important to understand the policy before committing to a study abroad program.) 


Post-Acceptance Withdrawal Process 

If you decide to withdraw after you pay your deposit to a study abroad program, you must take the following steps:    

  1. Read the 'Study Abroad Program Withdrawal” Learning Content in your digital study abroad application. Review the withdrawal timelines and financial obligations (found in the Participation Agreement). Remember, program deposits are non-refundable.  

  1. Notify Rutgers Global-Study Abroad, specifically your Study Abroad advisor. We may be able to help you find a way to still participate, even if withdrawing seems inevitable. 

  1. Complete the Withdrawal Form and send it to cgebusiness@global.rutgers.eduNote: Communicating your decision to withdraw from your program to your study abroad advisor or faculty director is not sufficient. Your withdrawal is only recognized after RGSA receives the completed form by e-mail from you directly. The longer you take to complete and send the form, the greater your financial obligation becomes. 

  1. Review your Financial Obligation Letter to confirm your withdrawal and information about your financial obligation. You will receive this letter once you submit the Withdrawal Policy form. 

Steps RGSA will take after your withdrawal form is received:

  • RGSA will withdraw your application from our application system. We will cancel your international health insurance, adjust your study abroad registration (if enrolled), rescind any RGSA scholarships awarded to you for participation in a study abroad program, and notify the Registrar and Student Accounting.   

  • If your total financial obligation for the program is greater than the amount already paid, a financial hold will be placed on your account. 


Types of Withdrawals 

There are two different types of withdrawal: Student withdrawal and an RGSA withdrawal. The following describes various types under each category:  

  1. Student Withdrawal: A voluntary withdrawal that is initiated by the student for any reason. The student needs to complete a withdrawal form.
  2. RGSA or Administrative Withdrawal: A non-voluntary withdrawal is initiated by the study abroad office. The student does not need to complete the withdrawal form. Examples of non-voluntary withdrawals include:  
    • Program cancellation (i.e. cancel by RGSA prior to start date): If a program is canceled by RGSA prior to the start date, we will withdraw you from the program and will refund any deposit or program fees that were paid. (Note application fees are non-refundable.) 

    • Program curtailment (i.e. cancellation while student is abroad due to healthy or safety reasons): If a program is cut short while in progress, RGSA will determine the most appropriate course of action academically. Based on time abroad, RGSA will also try to recover student program costs. 

    • Violation of Rutgers Code of Conduct.

    • Failure to comply with Foreign Country’s Vaccine/Testing Requirements.

    • Failure to Communicate and/or Comply with Rutgers officials or policy: RGSA retains the right to process an administrative withdrawal and rescind any offer of admission or endorsement for a student who: 

      • Ceases communication with RGSA and/or is unresponsive to repeated requests for necessary information or action by Rutgers officials. 

      • Fails to comply with required Rutgers, RGSA or partner institution procedural requirements. 

      • Fails to comply with required Rutgers, RGSA or partner institution health and safety policies. 

      • Fails to resolve registration blocks (including financial and judicial). 

Appeal Policy +

Appeal Policy and Process

After completing the Withdrawal Process, students with extenuating circumstances can file an appeal by taking the following steps:  

  1. Read again the Participation Agreement. RGSA will not accept appeals for reasons that are already outlined in the Participation Agreement. Appeals will be denied if they are based on the following:
    • a change in academic plans or courses not approved.
    • not understanding the financial obligations of a program.
    • not receiving a scholarship or aid amount expected.
    • selection for another opportunity (different program, job, internship, etc.).
    • worries related to travel or larger global concerns.
  2. Complete and submit the Appeal Form, including uploading the required documentation within 15 business days of completing the Post-Decision Withdrawal Process. Note: RGSA only accepts appeals from students. 
  3. RGSA will notify you of its decision to accept or deny the appeal within 10 business days from the date the appeal form is received. 

Guidance for completing your appeal:

Take the process seriously. You can only appeal financial penalties once and must do so within 10 business days of your withdrawal. 

Consider the basis of your appeal. You must appeal based on circumstances beyond your control. Examples of qualifying extenuating circumstance and required supporting documentation for consideration include: 

  • Physical or mental health circumstances that were unanticipated that prevent you from studying abroad, => Letter from a licensed physician indicating that you cannot study abroad due to health circumstances. 
  • Illness or death of an immediate family member (parent, guardian/caregiver, sibling, child, spouse, or registered domestic partner). => Copy of the death certificate, obituary, or remembrance from the funeral. Your petition must include documentation clearly showing your relationship with the deceased. 
  • Activation of military duty. => Copy of the military activation orders showing dates that conflict with the program dates. 
  • Unforeseen changes in personal finances due to unforeseen circumstances. => Documentation demonstrating the significant change in financial status is required for your request to be considered. You must demonstrate that the change occurred after you submitted your study abroad payment contract. Examples of documentation appropriate to submit include bank statements, unexpected bills, unemployment paperwork, proof of bankruptcy, or approved tuition forfeiture petition. 
  • Unexpected Legal issues or immigration status issues that might keep you from studying abroad, => Letter from licensed attorney or ISSS.

Be consistent. The University will compare the information submitted in the appeal form with many sources of information including but not limited to: verbal discussions, email correspondence, forms that were submitted, application materials, and the information provided in your withdrawal form. Discrepancies may undermine your appeal. 

Cancellation Policy +

Cancellations by RGSA: In the event that Rutgers Global–Study Abroad (RGSA) cancels a program, students will be refunded deposits paid to RGSA. Deposit or Application fees paid to providers or host university are not eligible for RGSA refunds.
Note: Students who choose to cancel their own participation see below.

Special note about Flight and Travel Insurance: Rutgers Global–Study Abroad will notify students when it is the appropriate time to purchase flights. Once students are given this recommendation, all flight reservations should be made with the consideration of travel insurance and cancellation options. Flight and/or travel costs cannot not be refunded by RGSA should a cancellation occur. Please research travel insurance before purchasing a ticket and confirm it will cover cancellation or change of plans due to COVID-19 or any other reason.

Cancellations or Withdrawal by Students: In the event that a student makes the personal choice to withdraw and the program is not cancelled by RGSA or the University, no refunds will be given, and students will be subject to the current withdrawal policy and financial timeline outlined on our website.

International Travel Policy +

Rutgers Global Travel Safety & Security (GTSS) provides the Rutgers community with guidance and advice, risk assessments, training, and other direct support related to international engagement and global mobility. The GTSS mission is to enable wider, more meaningful international engagement through programs and policies that promote informed worldwide risk mitigation.

Rutgers Global Travel Safety & Security (GTSS) supports University travelers by:

  • Developing and maintaining policies and standards related to global travel
  • Monitoring the world for incidents and events that have the potential to disrupt University travel and international operations
  • Conducting risk assessments for new and existing programs and high-risk travel
  • Reviewing and assessing risks for new and existing Rutgers Study Abroad programs
  • Coordinating with On Call International on medical and other types of assistance, including evacuations
  • Planning for emergencies abroad
  • Leading international crisis response efforts

Rutgers University-Sponsored International Travel Policy 

The International Travel Policy provides guidelines and information for faculty, staff, and students travelling internationally, including;

  • Defines University-sponsored travel as well as high-risk travel
  • Details mandatory procedures for Rutgers’ International Travel Registration
  • Provides information about the University’s International Medical and International Emergency Travel Assistance Policy
  • Directs travelers on next steps for high-risk travel and the petition process 

Have a question? Contact Rutgers, Global Travel Safety & Security (GTSS) at if you have questions that are not addressed on the Rutgers Global or Risk Management websites! Please note that this inbox is monitored during business hours only.

Travel Petition for Higher Risk Destinations: You should use this form to document the necessary certification for travel to a destination requiring a petition under Rutgers University Sponsored International Travel Policy. Once completed, this form should be submitted as soon as possible and within 45 days of a proposed departure date