International Scholars & Students
Rutgers has a number of short-term, non-degree programs—these can be exclusively for international students or they can be programs for both international and domestic students. These do not award a degree to the participant and are often focused on a specific skill or outcome that leads to the "attainment of a specific educational or professional objective.”
We help sponsor many different types of short term, non-degree programs and a Student Internship Program; these can range from one week to one year; and students can come to us on an F-1 or J-1 visa and maintain legal status by following the full time study requirement. Please note that you cannot register as a student in a short-term non-degree program on a B-1 or B-2 business or visitor tourist visa.
Rutgers departments can sponsor international students for eligible non-degree or internship opportunities; please review the sponsoring international student procedures.

Study Abroad Exchange Programs
LEARN MOREStudy Abroad Exchange Programs
We offer semester or year-long abroad options for undergraduate international student through our student exchange program.

Student who are enrolled in a program abroad can come to Rutgers to obtain skills, knowledge, and experience in their field of study through an internship.

Summer Session/ Hybrid Language Programs
SEE PROGRAMSSummer Session/ Hybrid Language Programs
Summer sessions and hybrid programs offer a wide variety of options and a great way to be introduced to Rutgers.

Tailored Groups and Certificate Programs
SEE OPPORTUNITIESTailored Groups and Certificate Programs
Rutgers departments offer non-credit or non-degree certificate programs, and programs can be tailored for incoming groups depending on students’ needs, ability level, and interest.