A Letter to Our International Community from the Office of the President

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Holloway Letter Banner image
Tuesday, April 6th

Dear Members of the Rutgers International Community,
We are very much looking forward to welcoming all members of the Rutgers community back to our campuses, which we expect will be this fall. We also recognize that for our international students and scholars abroad, the path to return may be more challenging than for those in the U.S. While New Jersey State and federal health guidelines as well as U.S. immigration and travel policy continue to evolve, Rutgers is firmly committed to assisting you in joining us safely on campus.
We appreciate that there are many uncertainties for new international students and visiting scholars as well as those rejoining us, but please be assured we will endeavor to find clear solutions to ensure your safety and academic progress. Each academic program and school where you seek to enroll or rejoin will continue to explore appropriate options for you, including offering remote instruction for some courses, should travelling to the U.S. not be possible.  
Thank you for your patience as we work to address the many questions and concerns you have. You will be hearing from us or our colleagues as more information becomes available. In the meantime, you can visit our University COVID-19 and Global Alerts webpages to provide you with additional information; these sites are updated whenever there is new information.
We would like to thank you, our valued international students and scholars, for being flexible and resilient under such stressful circumstances. We hope you remain safe and healthy, and we look forward to seeing you on-campus soon.
With best regards,
Jonathan Holloway
President and University Professor
Prabhas V. Moghe
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Distinguished Professor


Additional resources for our international community:

Rutgers Global Alerts

COVID-19 Related International Student FAQs

COVID-19 Related International Faculty and Scholar FAQs