Human Health and the Metropolis: Tensions and Transformations in Southeast Asia
This three-credit global learning experience will introduce students to the challenges and implications of public health practices in Bangkok, one of Southeast Asia's largest growing metropolises, and to Thai cultural practices and how they affect public health and wellness.
Global Health Practicum in Tanzania
This three-credit guided practicum experience is designed to introduce graduate and advanced undergraduate students in nursing and other health professions to health care delivery in a global setting.
Culture and Community Health in Mexico
This program aims to expand awareness of health issues in Oaxaca, Mexico and among the Mexican immigrant community in New Jersey. Students will provide community service in a variety of public health programs in Oaxaca. In addition, they will participate in a seminar on the medical anthropology of Mexico, a course in medical Spanish, an integrative seminar linking community service with course readings, and cultural excursions.
Global Mental Health Challenges in India
Students on this program will examine how persons with severe mental illnesses can achieve recovery. Students will learn about the structural barriers to achieving mental health recovery, including poverty, violence, social exclusion, stigma, the intersections of class and caste, homelessness, and how these hamper or help individuals with severe mental illness. The course is designed to be experiential and comparative, exposing students in the field to real-life practices and challenges of caring for individuals with mental illness in India's poorest social strata.
Spring embedded
Global Health Practicum in Argentina - Issues and Trends of Healthcare
This three-credit guided practicum experience is designed to introduce graduate and advanced undergraduate students in nursing and other health professions to health care delivery in a global setting. Accompanied by a standing faculty member in the School of Nursing, students will experience health care delivery in host country facilities, such as clinics and hospitals, and engage with professional health workers in both hospitals and community-based settings. Students will meet regularly with the course instructors for reflection on their course readings and field experiences.
Spring embedded
Population Health in Cuba (offered by Rutgers–Camden)
This Rutgers–Camden course introduces undergraduate and graduate students with an overview of population health through the lens of community development within the Republic of Cuba. The emphasis of this course is to provide an introduction to key concepts of the Cuban health care system and sustainable community development: Why they are important, and how connections among social, cultural, educational and environmental systems are core to successful community development and health.
Spring embedded
Health and Healing in Guatemala: A Service Learning Journey (offered by Rutgers–Camden)
This seminar and international service-learning course introduces students to health and healing in Guatemala, one of many developing countries in the Americas with significant poverty and health disparities. Classroom and field experiences focus on demographic, socio-cultural, spiritual, economic, legal, and political factors influencing population health and healthcare delivery within Guatemala. Three key areas include the following: 1) Mayan history and marginalization as it relates to today’s setting 2) traditional and western medical systems and their articulation within the health care system of Guatemala; and 3) identification of population health needs and progress toward the UN SDGs.