Keywords for Chinese Gender and Sexuality: A Forum

Monday, March 19, 2018 12:00 pm

Graduate School of Education, Room 124
How to distinguish gender from sex in Chinese? How to grasp that across the Chinese world, gay is frequently glossed as tongzhi, the historical Maoist term for comrade? Translations from English may pose challenges, but vocabularies for gender and sexuality abound in Chinese and are lenses onto Chinese social life. 

Come join members of the  Chinese-English Keywords Project (CEKP), along with distinguished guest Dr. Travis Kong of Hong Kong University and expert in Chinese homosexuality and masculinity, in a lively discussion of what Chinese words can tell us about dynamics of gender and sexuality in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Basic knowledge of Chinese will be helpful for participation. The CEKP is a global and growing network of scholars interested in conceptual gaps that emerge when key terms migrate between English and Chinese. Representing fields such as anthropology, sociology, literature, politics, geography, and media studies, participants are based in China, the U.S., Europe, Australia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Louisa Schein, Professor, Department of Anthropology
Travis Kong, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong


Graduate School of Education
10 Seminary Place, Room 124
New Brunswick, NJ 08840