CGHR-Related Publications
One of CGHR’s primary activities is to host conferences, working groups, and think tank workshops. Many of these result in cutting-edge publications. A partial list follows below.
Alexander Hinton, Andrew Woolford, and Jeff Benvenuto, co-editors, Colonial Genocide in Indigenous North America. Duke University Press, 2015. *This book originated with CGHR's International Conference, "Colonial Genocide and Indigenous North America," and was published in 2015. It may be purchased here. |
Genese Sodikoff, ed., The Anthropology of Extinction: Essays on Culture and Species Death. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. *This book, which originated with Genese Sodikoff's CGHR-related symposium, "Extinction Encounters: Vanishing Forms, Human Rights, and the Ethics of Retrieval," may be purchased here. |
Arthur Romano, Peace Education booklet. Newark, NJ: Paul Robeson Gallery |
Alexander Hinton, Giorgio Shani, and Jeremiah Alberg, co-editors, Rethinking Peace: Discourse, Memory, Translation, and Dialogue. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019. *This book emerged from CGHR’s global Rethinking Peace Studies project, which involved workshops and a final conference in Tokyo, New York, and Sri Lanka. |
Devon Emerson Hinton. Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, And Recovery. Cambridge University Press, 2014. *This edited volume is the result of CGHR’s SPA/Lemelson Conference on "Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, and Response" (September 17-18, 2009) |
Daniel Veneciano and Alex Hinton, eds. Night of the Khmer Rouge: Genocide and Justice in Cambodia. Newark, NJ: Paul Robeson Gallery, 2007. *This book may be purchased at the Paul Robeson Gallery at Rutgers—Newark or downloaded on-line from the Documentation Center of Cambodia. |